Hello, I am
Staff 3D Graphics Software Engineer
Real-Time 3D Computer Graphics Expert
With over 20 years of experience in real-time 3D computer graphics development, I have a strong background and expertise in various graphics techniques and technologies.

As a Staff 3D Graphics Engineer at Imagination Technologies, I have been working on cross-platform development of Imagination Ray Tracer, a state-of-the-art rendering engine. I have also contributed to the development of Global Illumination, Physically Based Rendering, shadow, sky, ocean, depth of field effects, and video recording features.

Before joining Imagination Technologies, I was a Senior 3D Graphics Engineer at Biosense Webster and Rafael, where I developed and integrated visualization algorithms for next-generation rendering engines and medical datasets. I have also received multiple awards and certifications for my excellence and professionalism in graphics design and development.

I am passionate about creating stunning and realistic graphics that enhance the user experience and deliver high-quality products.
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
2022 - present
2022 - present
Staff 3D Graphics & GPU Driver Software Engineer
OpenGL & DirectX & Vulkan cross platform development of Imagination Ray Tracer. DirectX engine development. Development of DirectX Global Illumination, Physically Based Rendering, shadow, sky, ocean, depth of field effect. IMG DXT Demo Vulkan to DirectX porting. OpenGL & Vulkan video recording development.
OpenGL/ES & Vulkan GPU DDK development, optimisation, validation and maintenance. Hardware and software performance analysis. Bugs and issues detection and fixing.
2021 - 2022
2021 - 2022
Senior 3D Graphics Software Engineer
OpenGL cross platform development of Next Gen Rendering Engine. 3D/2D maps, GIS and navigation development.
2017 - 2021
2017 - 2021
Senior 3D Graphics Software Engineer
Responsible for real-time 3D computer graphics visualization. Development of TruDi® Navigation System. Research and visualization of CT and MRI medical datasets using volumetric rendering technique. Development and integration of visualization algorithms.
2005 - 2017
2005 - 2017
Senior 3D Graphics Software Engineer
Responsible for providing real-time synthetic image generator for internal use. Development of multiplayer visual simulators and trainers using VR-Forces, Vega Prime, VBS, Terra Vista, Creator, DI-Guy. Research, development, integration and validation of environmental and physical effects: time of day, shadow, volumetric clouds, ocean, fog, rain, snow, trees, grass, rocks, smoke, fire, dust, trail, explosion, etc. Synthesis of real-time 3D sound. Development of Physically Based Rendering. Development of Depth of Field effect. Integration of 3rd party libraries like SilverLining Sky Clouds Weather SDK and Triton Ocean SDK. Over time I was promoted to the role of computer graphics expert and point of contact in the company. I initiated and developed a new real-time 3D computer graphics engine, which allows the building of 3D simulations quickly, easily, and without the need for a thorough knowledge of computer graphics. Currently this engine is integrated in most Rafael’s simulations around the globe.
2004 - 2005
2004 - 2005
Junior 3D Graphics Software Engineer
Research, visualization and integration of physically based natural phenomena effects. I got the opportunity to use my first graphics engine - OpenSceneGraph OpenSceneGraph. Being a Technion student at both Computer Science and Biology faculties, I got this fulltime position, following the successful development of the ‘Stone Synthesis’ Technion- Rafael joint project.
2000 - 2008
2000 - 2008
B.Sc Computer Science
* General Specialization – GPA 83.7
My first year I studied at the Faculty of Mathematics. After which I transferred to the Faculty of Computer Science. I was very attracted to biology and medicine, so I soon took the Bioinformatics Track. This was not enough for me, so I additionally began studying at the Faculty of Biology, returning to the general track at the Faculty of Computer Science.

2006 - Real-Time Shadow Mapping Outstanding Award Project
2004 - Stones Synthesis by Statistical Learning Outstanding Project

Google Project Management Program Certificate
1. Foundations of Project Management
2. Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project
3. Project Planning: Putting It All Together
4. Project Execution: Running the Project
5. Agile Project Management
6. Capstone: Applying Project Management in the Real World

PTE Academic UKVI English (SELT)
  • Creative
  • Problem solving
  • Organized
  • Team player
  • Responsible
  • Target oriented
  • Flexible
  • Self confident
English Proficient
Hebrew Fluent
Russian Native
  • Martial arts
  • Philosophy
  • Survival
  • Meditation
  • Medicine
  • Zen
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